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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society


Texts: Required Readings

File Morris and Hjort, Introduction: Instituting Cultural Studies
Meaghan Morris and Mette Hjort, ‘Introduction: Instituting Cultural Studies” from Morris and Hjort, eds, Creativity and Academic Activism, Duke UP and Hong Kong UP, 2012, pp. 1-20.
File Wong, 'The Politics of Sexual Identity and Evangelical Activism'
Angela Wong Wai-ching, “The politics of sexual morality and evangelical activism in Hong Kong”, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Vol. 14, No. 3 (2013), 340–360.
File Paik: The 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference and Asia
Wondam Paik (2016) The 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference and Asia, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 17:1, 148-157.
File Chua, ‘Return to/of the Political Popular in Asia’
CHUA Beng Huat, ‘Return to/of the Political Popular in Asia’ [unpublished paper, 2015]
File Ding, “Cold Sex Wars in Taiwan”
Ding Naifei, “Cold Sex Wars in Taiwan”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. L, No. 17 (April 25, 2015), 56-62.
File Ho, 'Asian Modernity and its Gendered Vulnerabilities'
Josephine Ho (2008), “Asian Modernity and its Gendered Vulnerabilities” NIAS Nytt; Jun 2008; 1; ProQuest Social Science Journals, pp 9-11
File Grossberg, ‘The Fate of Knowledge’
Lawrence Grossberg, ‘Chapter 2—The Fate of Knowledge’ from 'We All Want to Change the World: The Paradox of the US Left, A Polemic', Lawrence & Wishart, 2015,
File Crenshawe, “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex”
Kimberley Crenshawe, “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex”, The University of Chicago Legal Forum (1989), 139-168.
File Medoruma, ‘Droplets’
Medoruma, Shun. ‘Droplets’. In Michael Malaksi and Steve Rabson, eds, Southern Exposure: Modern Japanese Literature from Okinawa. University of Hawaii Press, 2000, pp. 254-285.
File Medoruma, ‘Hope’
Medoruma, Shun. ‘Hope’. Trans. Steve Rabson. Japan Policy Research Institute Vol. VI No. 12 (December 1999),
File Garcia, “Nativism or Universalism”
J.Neil Garcia, “Nativism or universalism”, Kritika Kultura 20 (2013), 50-68.
File Enwezor, ‘The Artist as Producer in Times of Crisis'
Enwezor, Okwui, 2004, ‘The Artist as Producer in Times of Crisis’ Accessed Jan 24th, 2016
File Niranjana and Vasudevan, 'The Reorganisation of Desire: Cultural Lives of Young Women in Globalising India'
Tejaswini Niranjana and Nitya Vasudevan, “The Reorganisation of Desire: Cultural Lives of Young Women in Globalising India”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. LI, No. 14 (April 2, 2016), 70-78
File Sit and Wong, ‘Rural China: From Modernization to Reconstruction’
Tsui SIT and Tak Hong WONG, ‘Rural China: From Modernization to Reconstruction’, Asian Studies, 49:1 (2013), 43-68.
File ‘The May 18 Democratic Uprising in Gwangju’
‘The May 18 Democratic Uprising in Gwangju’, The May 18 Memorial Foundation.
File Yasih and Alamsyah, The Paradox of Virtual Youth Politics, Inside Indonesia'
Yasih, Diatyka Widya Permata and Andi Rahman Alamsyah (2014) The Paradox of Virtual Youth Politics, Inside Indonesia,
File Benjamin, ‘The Author as Producer’
Benjamin, Walter, 1934, ‘The Author as Producer’ in Understanding Brecht, Verso, 1998, 85-103
File Wang, ''The Future that Belongs to Us:' Affective Politics, Neoliberalism, and the Sunflower Movement'
Chih-ming WANG, ‘“The Future that Belongs to Us:” Affective Politics, Neoliberalism, and the Sunflower Movement’ [unpublished paper, 2015]
File Zhang, ‘An Elaborative Argumentation of a “Nong Country”
ZHANG Shi Zhao, ‘An Elaborative Argumentation of a “Nong Country” (Xin Wen Newspaper, 1st & 2nd, Nov. 1923)
File Gaines, 'Political Mimesis'
Jane Gaines, 'Political Mimesis', in Jane M. Gaines and Michael Renov (eds), Collecting Visible Evidence, Minneapolis" university of Minnesota Press, 1999, pgs 84-102
File Dhanraj et al, 'An Action Framework for South Asia'
Deepa Dhanraj, Geetanjali Misra and Srilatha Batliwala, 'An Action Framework for South Asia', in Joanna Kerr, Ellen Sprenger and Alison Symington (eds.) The Future of Women's Rights: Global Visions and Strategies, London/New York: Zed Books, 2004, pgs 80-96
File Highmore, Ben, 'Doing Time: Work-Life'
Highmore, Ben, 'Doing Time: Work-life', from Ordinary Life: Studies in the Everyday, Routledge, 2011: pg 86-113.
File Writings by Rosa Luxemburg
WRITINGS BY ROSA LUXEMBURG (1871-1919) 1. From The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg trans. George Shiver (Kindle Locations 8788-8789). Verso, 2011. Kindle Edition. [MM: Sprawa Robotnicza was a socialist magazine in Paris 1893-96)}

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