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Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Summer School 2016

Readings and Films for the Summer School
'Creativity and Social Movements': Final schedule, by Faculty, Topics and Readings
Targeting post-graduate students / young faculties, the overall theme will cover the diverse socio-historical contexts in which thinking about creativity in relation to social movements (“aesthetics and politics” in the first half of the twentieth century) has mattered to both theory and practice. We will also consider the various forms of contemporary activism, and their conjunctures with cultural and aesthetic transformations of various kinds in inter-Asia. The programme will include 10 full-day themed coursework with a combination of lecture presentations and more informal as well as small group discussions, plus field-trips or visits on 2 or 3 days during the weekends.
Day Eight: Ashish RAJADHYAKSHA
Day Two: CHUA Beng Huat
Day Three: WANG Xiaoming
Day Four: Melani BUDIANTA
Day Seven: Helen GRACE 葛海崙
Day Nine: Roundtable
Day Ten: HUI Po-keung
Day Fourteen: 若林千代 WAKABAYASHI, Chiyo
Day Fifteen: PAIK Wondam 白元淡
Day One: Meaghan MORRIS
Special Screenings, Salons and Field Trips
Texts and Videos: Required and Extras
Final Summer School Schedule

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