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You are here: Home / Research Programmes / Summer School 2018: Readings, Viewings, Links / Audrey Yue: The Communicative City: Ambient Participation, Place-making and Urban Screens

Audrey Yue: The Communicative City: Ambient Participation, Place-making and Urban Screens

Public screens have become significant urban sites for place-making. Whether through physical location, the programming of art and cultural content, or capacity for networking, they are focal points for local embeddedness, community formation and civic belonging.

This lecture draws on case study examples from light art projection festivals and 3D projection mapping in Singapore, Melbourne and Hong Kong, to examine ambient participation and critically develop a methodology for place-making. Departing from top-down models of creative and brand place-making, this lecture approaches critical place-making through theories of urban communication and urban resilience. It argues that a robust cultural evaluation model for critical place-making must account for the ethical dimensions of the communicative city.

Compulsory Readings (download here):

Papastergiadis, Nikos, Amelia Barikin, Scott McQuire and Audrey Yue (2016). “Introduction: Screen Cultures and Public Spaces,” in Nikos Papastergiadis (ed). Ambient Screens and Transnational Public Spaces (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press), 3-27.

Select recommended readings (available online, or email Audrey for PDFs).

Gumpert, Gary and Susan J. Drucker (2008). “Communicative Cities,” The International Communication Gazette 70(3–4): 195–208.
Yue, Audrey. 2009. “Urban Screens and Spatial Regeneration: Evaluation Strategies for Cultural Participation.” In S. McQuire, M. Martin & S. Nederer (eds) Urban Screens Reader, (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Institute of Network Cultures), 261-278.
Yue, Audrey. (2013). “New Media: Large Screens in China.” In C. Rojas and E. Chow (eds) Oxford Handbook of Chinese Cinemas. (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 359-376.
Yue, Audrey. and Sun Jung (2011). “Urban Screens and Transcultural Consumption Between South Korea and Australia.” In D.Y. Jin (ed) Global Media Convergence and Cultural Transformation: Emerging Social Patterns and Characteristics (IGI Global: Philadelphia), 15-36. (50%) (with S. Jung) Translated and republished in Communication & Society 21 (2012): 51-78

Audrey Yue is Professor of Media, Culture and Critical Theory at the National University of Singapore, where she is also Head of the Department of Communications and New Media; Convenor of the interdepartmental Cultural Studies in Asia PhD program and Cultural Studies Minor undergraduate program in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and; Director of the Cultural Research Centre. She researches in the fields of Sinophone media cultures, cultural policy and development and queer Asian studies.

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