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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society


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The City of the Festival
The Black Hole of Empire
Screen Cultures and Public Spaces
Prasad Realism and Fantasy
Biswas The City and the Real
Punathambekar Reality TV and Participatory Culture in India
Abhijit Roy (In)Visible Publics: Television and Participatory Culture in India
Poet of the Present: the Material Object
Azim Women and Freedom
Introduction to Niranjana, Tejaswini, Xiaoming (Professor of cultural studies) Wang, and Nitya Vasudevan. Genealogies of the Asian Present: Situating Inter-Asia Cultural Studies. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2015
Tadiar Life-Times of Disposability within Global Neoliberalism
Wilczak,Jessica, '‘‘Clean, safe and orderly’’: Migrants, race and city image in global Guangzhou', Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 2018, Vol. 27(1) 55–79
Shin, Hae Ran and Soyoung Park, 'The Regime of Urban Informality in Migration: Accommodating Undocumented Chosŏnjok Migrants in their Receiving Community in Seoul, South Korea', pg 459-480
Kaviraj Reading a Song of the City
Chakrabarti, Gautam ‘The Bhadralok as Truth-Seeker: Towards a Social History of the Bengali Detective’, Cracow Indological Studies vol. XIV (2012)
De Certeau, Michel, 'Walking in the City' and 'Spatial Stories', from The Practice of Everyday Life
Mukherjee, Madhuja (2016): War Cry of the Beggars: an exploration into city, cinema and graphic narratives, South Asian Popular Culture,
Benjamin, Walter, Reflections
Ghosh, Anjan, Contested Spaces: Puja and its Publics in Calcutta
Prasad. M. Madhava: Cultural Studies in India - Reasons and a History
Lefebvre, Henri, 'Philosophy and the City', and 'The Urban in Question', Extracts from Writings on Cities
Epstein-Nord, Deborah, 'The City as Theater: London in the 1820s'
Dass, Manishita, The Crowd outside the Lettered City: Imagining the Mass Audience in 1920s, Cinema Journal, Vol. 48, No. 4 (Summer, 2009), pp. 77-98
Wolff, Janet, 'The Invisible Flaneuse: Women and the Literature of Modernity'
Simmel, Georg, 'The Metropolis and Mental Life'
Castells, Manuel, 'The Myth of Urban Culture'
Cheney, David, 'Urban Landscape and Popular Culture'
Donner, Henrike, 'Whose City is it Anyway? Middle Class Imagination and Urban Restructuring in Twenty First Century Kolkata'
Bandyopadhyay, Ritajyoti, 'Politics of archiving: hawkers and pavement dwellers in Calcutta', Dialect Anthropol (2011) 35:295–316
Mukherjee, Madhuja, (2017): Inside a dark hall: space, place, and accounts of some single-theatres in Kolkata, South Asian History and Culture
Biswas, Moinak, Chinnamul (1951): original text later published in Lalitha Gopalan (ed) The Cinema of India, Columbia University Press, 2010
Chatterjee, Subhajit, ‘Toward a New Junk Aesthetics?: Narratorial Predicaments in Contemporary Alternatives in/to Bollywood’, positions: east asia cultures critique, Volume 25, Number 1, February 2017, pp. 195-221
Hoek, Lotte (2010): Cut‐Pieces as Stag Film: Bangladeshi Pornography in Action Cinema, Third Text, 24:1, 135-148
Hoek, Lotte, Unstable Celluloid : Film Projection and the Cinema Audience in Bangladesh, BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies 2010 1: 49
Ginzburg, Carlo and Anna Davin Morelli, Freud and Sherlock Holmes: Clues and Scientific Method, History Workshop, No. 9 (Spring, 1980), pp. 5-36
Mukherjee, Madhuja, 'The city in cinema, and cinemas in the city: South City Mall and Solace'
Ray, Manas, 'Growing Up Refugee', in History Workshop Journal Issue # 53, 2002
Lefebvre, Henri, 'Town and Country', from Writings on Cities
(Translation, Introduction and editorial arrangement Eleonore Kofman and Elizabeth Lebas), Oxford/Mass, Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1996
Akshaya Kumar, 'Provincialising Bollywood? Cultural economy of north-Indian small-town nostalgia in the Indian multiplex', South Asian Popular Culture, 11:1,61-74
Chatterjee, Partha. The Politics of the Governed: Reflections on Popular Politics in Most of the World. New York: Columbia University Press, 2004
Chatterjee, Partha. The Politics of the Governed: Reflections on Popular Politics in Most of the World. New York: Columbia University Press, 2004
Chattopadhyay, Swati, Representing Calcutta Modernity, Nationalism, and the Colonial Uncanny, Routledge: 2005
Fifth Column, by Samar Sen
Flute Music, by Rabindranath Tagore
Composed While Drunk, by Saratkumar Mukhopadhyay
Letter by Rabindranath Tagore, Shahjadpur June 1891
Biswas, Moinak. "From Space to Location." positions: east asia cultures critique, vol. 25 no. 1, 2017, pp. 9-28
Recasting Muslim Women: Nawab Faizunnesa's Rupjalal
Toru Dutt Sonnets

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