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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society

You are here: Home / Research Programmes / Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Summer School 2016 / Special Screenings, Salons and Field Trips / SALON 4 [Off campus]: Tamar Park--past, present and future

SALON 4 [Off campus]: Tamar Park--past, present and future

Thurs June 30, 16.30-18.30

Tamar Park is the location of Central Government Office and Parliament of Hong Kong that grabbed world attention when it became the birth place of Umbrella Movement in 2014. From 28 September 2014, pro-democracy activists occupied Tamar Park and the adjacent Connaught Road for 79 days, demanding direct election of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong. Even though the peaceful movement was eventually cracked down upon by the state machine, it changed the landscape of local social activism, giving rise to new agendas of anti-China nationalism, pro-independence movement and various community movements. This salon will screen documentary film, conduct field-trip and hold discussion on site, aiming to give students a glimpse of the dynamic and multiple facets of this historic incident.

HUI Po-Keung is an associate professor of the Cultural Studies Department and the Programme Director of the Master of Cultural Studies Programme at Lingnan University, Hong Kong. His main research interests are education and cultural studies, cultural economy and history of capitalism and markets. He has co-edited the 6 volumes of Cultural and Social Studies Translation Series, jointly published by Oxford University Press (Hong Kong) and Bianyi Chubanshe (Beijing). He is the author of Farewell Cynicism, Hong Kong Oxford University Press, 2009 &2012, and What Capitalism is Not, Hong Kong Oxford University Press, 2002, Shanghai Renmin Chu Banshe, 2007. He has been working on several research and development projects on education reform in Hong Kong.

Stephen C.K. CHAN: Professor of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University, who established the BA Cultural Studies in 1999, and served as its Department Head (2000-2003, 2008-2010). Founding Director of the Master of Cultural Studies, a two-year part-time program taught to cultural practitioners in the fields of education, media, and NGO work, Chan has been a Board member of the Association for Cultural Studies representing the Asia constituency since 2008. He chaired the Steering Committee of the Consortium for Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Institutes (2010-2013), responsible for planning its biennial Summer School. The Consortium provides the institutional base for the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society, of which he has been a Board member since 2015. He guest-edited the “Hong Kong at a Crossroads” special issue for Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (vol. 16, no. 3, 2015), a first collective study on the “Umbrella Movement” that took place in Hong Kong in 2014.

Y.C. CHEN: Associate Professor of Cultural Studies of Lingnan University who founded "mobile democracy classroom" that provided over 400 classes at the occupied site during the Umbrella Movement. He is a community planner and anti-forced-eviction activist who has worked closely with many communities-in-crisis in Hong Kong.

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