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You are here: Home / Events at CSCS / Conferences and Workshops (FINAL) / Workshop on Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science

Workshop on Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science

Integrated Science Education Initiative of the HE Cell in collaboration with IISER-Pune presents a three day workshop on Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science, a Second Year UG course for students of IISER-Pune. Instructor: K. Subramaniam

Integrated Science Education Initiative of the HE Cell in collaboration with IISER-Pune presents a three day workshop on Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science, a Second Year UG course for students of IISER-Pune. Instructor: K. Subramaniam
Starts on 12 August 2010 Integrated Science Education Initiative of the HE Cell in collaboration with IISER-Pune presents a three day workshop on Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science, a Second Year UG course for students of IISER-Pune. Instructor: K. Subramaniam

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