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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society

You are here: Home / Events at CSCS / 2010-11 PhD Courses

2010-11 PhD Courses

Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
Mid-term break begins
Course 1001: The Knowledge Society: Limits and Possibilities
Course 1005: Rethinking Comparative Constitutionalism
Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
Course 1006: Natural Time and World Time
Course 1008: Writing Seminar
Course 1001: The Knowledge Society: Limits and Possibilities
Course 1004: De-disciplining Music
Course 1001: The Knowledge Society: Limits and Possibilities
Course 1002: Session with Radhika Singha
Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
Course 1006: Natural Time and World Time
Course 1006: Natural Time and World Time
Course 1006: Natural Time and World Time
Course 1008: Writing Seminar
Course 1004: De-disciplining Music
Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
NIAS Graduate Seminar with Dr. Vinay Gidwani: Class 3
Course 1005: Rethinking Comparative Constitutionalism
Course 1001: The Knowledge Society: Limits and Possibilities
Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
Course 1008: Writing Seminar
Course 1004: De-disciplining Music
Course 1003: Reframing the Debate on ‘the Political’ (in the wake of the Financial Crisis)
Course 1004: De-disciplining Music
Course 1008: Writing Seminar
Course 1002: Personal Identification, Appearance and Politics
Course 1005: Rethinking Comparative Constitutionalism
Course 1002: Personal Identification, Appearance and Politics
Course 1003: Reframing the Debate on ‘the Political’ (in the wake of the Financial Crisis)
Course 1004: De-disciplining Music
Course 1005: Rethinking Comparative Constitutionalism
Course 1001: The Knowledge Society: Limits and Possibilities
NIAS Graduate Seminar with Dr. Vinay Gidwani: Class 1
Course 1006: Natural Time and World Time
Course 1005: Rethinking Comparative Constitutionalism
Course 1005: Rethinking Comparative Constitutionalism
Course 1006: Natural Time and World Time
Course 1005: Rethinking Comparative Constitutionalism
Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
Course 1003: Reframing the Debate on ‘the Political’ (in the wake of the Financial Crisis)
Course 1001: The Knowledge Society: Limits and Possibilities
Course 1003: Reframing the Debate on ‘the Political’ (in the wake of the Financial Crisis)
Mid-term break begins
Mid-term break ends
Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
Course 1002: Personal Identification, Appearance and Politics
Course 1004: De-disciplining Music
Course 1006: Natural Time and World Time
Course 1005: Rethinking Comparative Constitutionalism
Course 1002: Personal Identification, Appearance and Politics
Course 1001: The Knowledge Society: Limits and Possibilities
Course 1006: Natural Time and World Time
Term ends
Course 1006: Natural Time and World Time
Course 1003: Reframing the Debate on ‘the Political’ (in the wake of the Financial Crisis)
Course 1008: Writing Seminar
Course 1002: Personal Identification, Appearance and Politics
Seminar on the Anthropology of Contemporary Capitalism
Course 1008: Writing Seminar
Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
Course 1003: Reframing the Debate on ‘the Political’ (in the wake of the Financial Crisis)
Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
Course 1004: De-disciplining Music
Course 1006: Natural Time and World Time
Course 1008: Writing Seminar
Course 1002: Session with Radhika Singha
Course 1006: Natural Time and World Time
Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
NIAS Graduate Seminar with Dr. Vinay Gidwani: Class 2
Course 1005: Rethinking Comparative Constitutionalism
Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
Course 1008: Writing Seminar
Course 1005: Rethinking Comparative Constitutionalism
Course 1001: The Knowledge Society: Limits and Possibilities
Course 1001: The Knowledge Society: Limits and Possibilities
Course 1005: Rethinking Comparative Constitutionalism
Course 1002: Personal Identification, Appearance and Politics
Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
Course 1003: Reframing the Debate on ‘the Political’ (in the wake of the Financial Crisis)
Course 1001: The Knowledge Society: Limits and Possibilities
Course 1001: The Knowledge Society: Limits and Possibilities
Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
Mid-term break ends
Production of Knowledge in the Natural and Social Sciences
Course 1005: Rethinking Comparative Constitutionalism
Course 1006: Natural Time and World Time
Course 1006: Natural Time and World Time
Course 1001: The Knowledge Society: Limits and Possibilities
Course 1007: Subject, Subjection and Freedom
Course 1004: De-disciplining Music
Course 1005: Rethinking Comparative Constitutionalism

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