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Promoting Pluralism Knowledge Programme

The Bangalore Inter- regional Meeting 2009 13-18 November

Welcome to the “Bangalore Inter- regional meeting 2009” which includes various meetings.

On Day 1 and 2 (13 and 14 November) there will be an Inter regional meeting, where

representatives of all KP teams from participating countries present and discuss their work-in-

progress. These sessions offer opportunities for questions and international exchanges on

current and future developments in the various programs and will be closed with a dialogue

on comparative reflections and future directions of the PPKP – all delegates are invited to

participate in this meeting.

Following the inter -regional meeting, on Day 3 (15 November), the India Regional Team will

meet to discuss issues that are specifically related to developments in the India program.

There will be further presentations of research in progress (different from the presentations

in the inter-regional meeting), information on the India-based pluralism website, the

internship program and decisions on a number of organizational matters – delegates from

other countries can attend this meeting if they wish

On Day 4 (16 November), there is a One-day discussion on ‘Engaging with the

contemporary challenges to secularism’. There are presentations by invited speakers,

followed by a dialogue - all delegates are invited to participate in this meeting.

With this part of “the Bangalore Meeting 2009” we conclude the ‘open’ part of this

inter-regional event. The final two days are meant for the PPKP international steering

committee and those who are involved in the PhD component of the program.

On Day 5 (17 November) there is a steering committee meeting of the PPKP in which we will

discuss general developments in the KP and Hivos. We will plan for the remainder of the first

phase of the KP (end 2010) and discuss a number of organizational and financial matters -

agenda will follow - the members of the international steering committee of the PPKP are

requested to attend

The final day, Day 6 (18 November) is meant for the PhD component of the PPKP which we

recently started. At this point in time, two PhD candidates (one in India and one in

Indonesia) have started their research. We will discuss their proposals in depth (work in

progress) and conduct a seminar on research methodology in the context of the PPKP. – this

meeting is meant for the PhD students and their supervisors, others can request to attend.

Questions can be directed at the organizers: Ram Kakarala ( ) and/or

Caroline Suransky ( )

We look forward to seeing you in India,

Ram Kakarala and Caroline Suransky

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