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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society

You are here: Home / Events at CSCS / Conferences and Workshops (FINAL) / CSCS YOUNG RESEARCHERS' WORKSHOP 2010


The PhD fellows of the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society (CSCS), Bangalore ( are organizing a workshop (Young Researchers’ Workshop 2010) from March 25-27, 2010, for doctoral and post doctoral fellows registered with a recognized university or research centre in India. Please find attached a concept note for the workshop with details concerning participation. We shall be sending a hard copy of the same to your institution within a few days.

We take this opportunity to welcome research scholars from your institution for an enriching experience of sharing their research work with other researchers as also engaging with the research interests of young scholars from across the country. We look forward to the participation of research students from your institution for the event.

Many Thanks,

Warm Regards

ps. Kindly contact the following persons in case of any further queries. Ranjini Krishnan
or Elizabeth Thomas

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