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Workshop on Client’s Perspective in Mental Health

Workshop on

Client’s Perspective in Mental Health

August 30, 2009, Venue: Christ University



Session 1 10 – 10:30:

Dr. Tejaswini Niranjana – Introducing the Higher Education Cell

Dr. Anup Dhar – Introducing the Integrated Science Education Initiative of the HE Cell 


Session 2 10.30 to 12:30:

Chair: Dr. Asha Achuthan (Centre for Contemporary Studies, IISC, Bangalore)

Speakers: Dr. Ashok Nagpal (Professor, Department of Psychology, Delhi University & Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, Delhi)

Dr. Bhargavi Davar (Director, Centre for Advocacy in Mental Health, Bapu Trust, Pune)

Dr. Honey Oberoi (Reader, Department of Psychology, Delhi University & Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, Delhi)

Dr. Sitharam Kakarala (Senior Fellow, CSCS, Bangalore)


Session 3 12:30 – 1.00:

Chair: Dr. Srikala Bharath (Department of Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore)  

Speakers: Dr. Darshan Shah (Director, Antarnad Foundation and Head, Psychotherapy Clinic, Antarnad Foundation, Ahmedabad)


1.00 - 2.00 Lunch Break


Session 4 2.00 – 3:45

Chair and Speaker: Dr. Vikram Gupta (Health, SRTT)

Speakers:               Gayatri Balgopal, Chaitali Shetty, Puneetha Suresh and Devi. (Banyan, Chennai)

Mr. Mukul Goswami (Ashadeep Guwahati)

Ms. Sarbani Das Roy (Iswar Sankalpa, Kolkata)


Session 5 3:45 – 5:30

Chair and Speaker: Dr. Tony Sam George (Department of Psychology, Christ University, Bangalore) 

Speakers:               Mr. Shailesh Kapadia (Psychoanalytic Therapy and Research Centre [PTRC], Mumbai)

                             Dr. Jayanti Basu (Head, Department of Applied Psychology, Calcutta University)

Ms. Bulbul Bakshi (Samikshani, Kolkata)


Session 6 5:30 – 6:30

Reflections in light of the Project: Review of Mental Health Services in India: Focus on Client’s Perspective – An Exploratory Study  

Chair: Radhika P (CIDASIA, CSCS, Bangalore)

Speakers:               Ms.Pallavi Banerjee (Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Bethune College, Kolkatha)

Ms.Sabah Siddiqui (Researcher, Yellow Brick Road, Pune)

Ms.Ranjini Krishnan (PhD Fellow, CSCS, Bangalore)

Mr.Diptarup Chaudhury (Lecturer, Department of PG Psychology, Christ University, Bangalore)







Organized by:      Higher Education Cell, Centre for the Study of Culture and Society, Bangalore

(in collaboration with Christ University, Bangalore and Psychoanalytic Therapy and Research Centre, Mumbai) 


Supported by Sri Ratan Tata Trust

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