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Tejaswini Niranjana


History of the Voice: This ongoing project looks at the emergence of Hindustani music in the period of the 1920s-30s in northern Karnataka. I have presented my initial findings in two conferences and a workshop during this academic year, and continued my library and archival work in Karnataka and Maharashtra.


- ‘Why Culture Matters: Rethinking the Language of Feminist Politics’, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 11(2): 229-235.
- ‘Transported by Song: Music and Cultural Labour in Dharwad’, Sangeet Natak, Vol.XLIII, No.2, 2009, pages 35-44.

 Lectures/Talks/Papers Presented:

- ‘Higher Education in 21st Century India’, Conference on the University in the World, the World in Asia, Rice University, Houston, May 26, 2009.

- ‘Feminist Politics and the Culture Question’, Tenth Anniversary Conference of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, National Chao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, April 11, 2009.

Research Supervision: 

- Asha Achuthan, ‘Feminist Standpoint Theory and Development Discourse: Revisiting the Science-Experience Binary’ (awarded PhD).
- Teena Antony, ‘Women’s Education Debates in Early Twentieth Century Kerala: adhunikam and parishkaaram as fashioning sthreedharmam’ (ongoing).
- Nitya Vasudevan, ‘Clandestine Conjunctures: Theorising the Contemporary Moment in India’ (ongoing).
- Ashwin Kumar A.P., ‘Local Labyrinths: Language as a Problematic’ (ongoing).
- Shashikala Srinivasan, ‘Locations of Knowledge: The University, Liberal Education and the case of India (ongoing).
- Girija K.P., ‘Probing Modern Education from the Location of Indigenous Knowledge Systems’ (pre-PhD defence scheduled).

Courses Taught:

- ‘Gender and Culture’, post-graduate workshop offered at CSCS, Winter Semester 2010.
- ‘Culture and the Disciplines’, PhD course, Monsoon Semester 2009.
- ‘Writing about Music’, post-graduate workshop offered at CSCS, Monsoon Semester 2009.

Programme Work:

As Lead Researcher of the Higher Education Cell, coordinated overall the five initiatives of the Cell: Networked Higher Education, Regional Language Resources, Gender Studies, Social Justice and Integrated Science Education. The work involves partnering a number of university departments and research centres across the country in collaborative research on higher education and in creating innovative interventions in the sector.

Other Professional Commitments:

Member of Editorial Executive, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Journal.

Administrative Work:

Part of the Library Committee and the Academic Committee. As part of the former, involved in streamlining systems and procedures for the library, and as part of the latter, taken part in facilitating the transition from the older PhD Committee to the Academic Committee. Member of the newly-formed Programmes Committee, representing the HE Cell. Additionally, coordinated CSCS’ different partnerships with the Sir Ratan Tata Trust.

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