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Kakarala Sitharamam


(with Abdullahi An-Naim and Zainal Bagir). ‘Rethinking the Secular State’ Pluralism working paper 1, Kosmopolis Institute, 2009.

Papers Presented/Talks:

- ‘Human Rights for Pluralism: Lessons from the Secular Social Action in Gujarat’ December 2009.
- ‘Rethinking the Challenges to Secularism and Social Action in India’, Bangalore, 16 November 2009
- ‘Human Rights: Contemporary Challenges’, ISI, Bangalore, July 2009.
- ‘Culture and Constitutionalism: Rethinking the Rights Question in India’, Nantes Institute of Advanced Studies, Nantes, 25 June 2009.
- ‘Some questions of ontology in rethinking the future of the secular, brief response to Abdullahi An N’iam’, Utrecht, 25-26 May 2009.
- ‘The emergence of International Criminal Law and the Changing nature of Responsibility for gross human rights violations’, ICC-India and the Rajeev Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala, 28-29 Feb. 2009. 

Courses Taught:

- ‘Culture and Comparative Constitutionalism’ monsoon term, 2009.
Taught at the International Summer School on Pluralism, Human Development and Human Rights, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, July-August 2009.

Research Supervision:

- Bitasta Das. Migration and Regional Identity in Assam (ongoing)

Rajeev Kumaramkandath. Ruminating in the Present: Sexual Morality and Homosexuality in the Postcolonial Context- A case study of Keralam (ongoing)

- Geetanjali Srikanthan, The ‘Constituting’ of the ‘Religious’ in ‘Space’ in India (ongoing)

- Jason K. Fernandes: Goa and Portugal: Imaginations, Inter-Identity, Inter-legality and the New. The proposal defence is complete.


(Under Promoting Pluralism Knowledge Programme)

- Khalid Ansari
- Elizabeth Thomas 

Events Organized:

- ‘Rethinking the Challenges to Secularism in India’, Bangalore 16 November 2009.

- Inter-Regional Meeting on Promoting Pluralism Knowledge Programme, 15 November 2009.

- Regional Team, Pluralism India Programme, 15 November 2009

- Regional Team, pluralism India Programme, March 2009.

Administrative Work:

- Director of CSCS

- Member, Administrative Committee, Finance Committee and the Executive Committee

- Lead Researcher: Law, Society and Culture Programme

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