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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society

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Lakshmi Arya

Conferences / Seminars: 


Seminar at the Centre of South Asian Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. 25 March 2010. Title of paper: ‘Normativity, Power and Politics in Post/ colonial India.

Fellowships / Awards:


Charles Wallace Indian Fellow at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, 2009-10. 


- Co-Instructor (with Dr. Sitharamam Kakarala), ‘Culture and Comparative Constitutionalism: Modernity, Cultural Difference and the Pathways of Law’ Course offered to students of the Ph.D. and Post-Graduate Diploma in Culture Studies Programme at CSCS during the Monsoon Term, 2009. 

- Visiting faculty, Centre for the Study of Local Cultures (CSLC), Kuvempu University, Shimoga (10 – 13 August, 2009).  

Administrative Work: 

- Compiled the CSCS Annual Report for 2008-09. 

- Compiled the SRTT Narrative Report for the previous grant period, i.e. 2005-08, and the half-yearly report from 1 October 2008 to 31 March 2009. 

- Coordinated the Affiliate Fellowship programme of CSCS for overseas students and faculty. 

- Drafted the CSCS Vision Statement 2010-2020. 

- Convenor, Library Committee.

- Organised the CSCS seminar by Prof. Partha Chatterjee as part of the series of Tenth Anniversary Talks (July 2009). 


Programmatic Work: 


As part of the Law Society and Culture Programme (LSCP), worked on the Indian regional team of the Hivos-funded Promoting Pluralism Knowledge Programme (PPKP). Activities included: 

Coordinating the Internships Programme of the PPKP (Summer and Winter 2009-10). The research internship in the summer of 2009 sought to give law students a training in research, which they otherwise had no exposure to in their undergraduate courses, which were entirely pedagogic in nature

Participation in the Inter-Regional Meeting of the PPKP at NLSIU, Bangalore, 13-17 November 2009. 

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