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Anup Kumar Dhar


- Dislocation and Resettlement in Development: From Third World to World of the Third – Routledge: New York and London, 2009 (co-authored with A. Chakrabarti).

- Science(s) of the Mind: Fort-Da between the Windscreen and the Rearview Mirror’ in Materialism and Immaterialism In India and the West: Varying Vistas (Volume XII, Levels of Reality, Part 5 – ed. Partha Ghosh) as part of the broader Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture (PHISPC) in the Centre for Studies in Civilizations (CSC), under the general editorship of D P Chattopadhyay – 2010.

- ‘Madness, ‘Mental Health Science’ and the ‘Ethics of Psychoanalysis’’ (co-authored with R. Biswas) in an ed. volume titled Human Rights and Ethics: Conceptual Analysis and Contextual Applications ed. Shashi Motilal Anthem Press, U.K. – 2010.

- ‘Developments: Queering Time’ – review of Erica Burman’s book Developments: Child, Image, Nation – Routledge: New York and London in Journal of Health Management – Sage: London – 2009.

- ‘Sexual Difference: Encore, yet again’ in Annual Review of Critical Psychology – No. 7, 2009.


Conferences and Workshops: 

- Presented paper titled ’Interdisciplinary Economics’ at Kalyani University in a National Workshop on Curriculum Development in UG Economics (3-4 April 2009).

- Presented paper titled ‘Normativity, Experience and Queer-ing’ in National Conference on Queer Thought (10-11 April, 2009) organized by Sappho for Equality, Kolkata.

- ‘The Science Question in Cultural Studies: Difficulties of Integration’ in Dialoguing across Disciplines: a workshop on integration and interdisciplinarity 23-25 June 2009 – organized by the Center for Contemporary Studies (IISc).

- ‘Mental Health in India: Historical and Cultural Perspectives’ in seminar on ‘Role of Faith Healing in Mental Health Care’ on 12 November 2009 at Banyan-BALM, IFMR, Chennai.

- ‘Developmentalism after Globalization’ in International Conference on Globalisation, Economic Development and Emerging Market Economies, Department of Economics, University of Kalyani, West Bengal (Dec 17-18).

- ‘The (Sexed) Body in Psychoanalysis’ in National Conference on Theorising Body: Problems and Perspectives at Calicut University, Kerala – 27-29 Jan, 2010.


 Courses taught

- Taught Political Economy as Visiting Faculty in Department of Economics, Kalyani University, Bengal – 2009 and in Department of Economics, University of Calcutta - 2010.

- Taught Course on Science, Society and Culture (Aug – Nov 2009) for 1st year PhD Students at Centre for the Study of Culture and Society (CSCS), Bangalore.


Research Supervision:

- Ranjini Krishnan,  (Ongoing)

- Rakhi Ghoshal, (Onoging)


Programmatic Work and Ongoing Projects:

- Integrated Science Education at IISERs: Exploring PossibilitiesThis one-year project is developing the Humanities and Social Science component for the Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) – Funded by MHRD.
- ‘The Experience of Gendered Violence: Developing Psychobiographies’ (Timeline: 2-year project – March 2010 to Feb 2012) - Funded By: ICSSR 

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