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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society

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Nishant Shah

Nishant completed his PhD with CSCS on the topic of 'The Technosocial Subject: Cities, Cyborgs & Cyberspace'.

Nishant presently works as Director (Research) at the Centre for Internet & Society, Bangalore. He is visiting researcher at the Centre for Digital Cultures at Leuphana University, Germany, and an International Knowledge Partner on 'Youth, Technology and Change' with Hivos, Netherlands. He recently co-edited the four-volume book series "Digital AlterNatives with a Cause?" that captures discourse, practice and policy as it shapes and is shaped by youth driven, everyday practices of digital technologies and is currently working on looking at civic action in networked societies. Nishant has previously received the Asia Scholarship Foundation's fellowship for comparative research at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, Shanghai University. Nishant is a regular columnist with the Sunday Eye, the national edition of Indian Express, Delhi. Nishanthas also worked as an information architect with Yahoo, Partecs and Khoj Studios, was a Research Analyst for Comat Technologies and designed and taught several courses and workshops on the aesthetics and Politics of New Digital Media, for undergraduate and graduate level students in different universities around the world.

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