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Elizabeth Thomas

Conferences/Workshops attended/ Papers PresentedParticipated in the Consultation on “Gender, Religion and Reform: Rethinking Feminism” organized by the Promoting Pluralism Knowledge Programme (PPKP), India, at CSCS, Bangalore, from 17-18 September, 2010. Participated in the Conference, “Knowledge and Change: Theory and Practice of Development Dilemmas’ organized by the Hivos Knowledge Programme, Hivos, in the Hague, the Netherlands, from 29 September- 1 October, 2010. Participated and presented the research proposal at the PhD Graduate School in the University of Humanistic Studies (UvH), Utrecht, the Netherlands, from 3-7 October, 2010. Presented a (collaborative) paper titled, “Legal Discourses Around Social Practices: An Enquiry into the Cattle Slaughter Bill” at the Second Law and Social Sciences Research Network (LASSNET) Conference held in Foundation for Liberal and Management Education (FLAME), Pune, India, from 27-30 December, 2010. Participated in a one-day workshop titled, “Enchantment and Politics”, organized by Street Scholars, Bangalore, on 5 January, 2011. Participated in an International Seminar titled, “Dharma and Ethics V: Decolonizing the Social Sciences”, organized by the Centre for the Study of Local Cultures, Kuvempu University, Shimoga and the Vivekananda Institute of Indian Studies, Mysore, from 22-23 January, 2011.

Projects Handled: Working with a group of researchers on the, ‘Karnataka West Coast Study’, of the Promoting Pluralism Knowledge Programme-India, at CSCS, Bangalore, since April 2010.

Thesis Title: In the Name of Justice: An Enquiry into Collective Justice Claims in Modern Politics

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