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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society

You are here: Home / Research Programmes / CIDASIA / Culture: Industries and Diversity in Asia / Projects completed / CultureAsia: Connecting Cultural Actors

CultureAsia: Connecting Cultural Actors

Phase 1 was the Culture Asia: Connecting Cultural Actors conference which was held from 14th-16th December 2008. The conference, for the first time, brought together 84 stakeholders, including artists, cultural activists, funders and academics from Central, Southeast and South Asia regions. It attempted to initiate a conversation among autonomous art practitioners and activist groups of these regions but also between them and cultural theorists on the one hand and major donor agencies on the other.The conference was able to discuss key issues around the connection between cultural production and civil society in Asia, the dynamics of funding artistic and cultural production both by the State and non-State players and issues of networking, cooperation and advocacy within the cultural field.

Phase 2 of the project was Travel and Learning. During this phase the organizers will fund participants of the CultureAsia 2008 conference to travel to other organizations to explore possibilities of collaborative activities.

Downloads: CultureAsia: Connecting Asian Cultural Actors - Conference Report

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