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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society

You are here: Home / Events at CSCS / Talks and Work in Progress FINAL / DISCUSSION: By Professor S. Sarukkai (Oct 21 10 am to 1 pm)

DISCUSSION: By Professor S. Sarukkai (Oct 21 10 am to 1 pm)

Topic: Defining Science, Relation between Science and Language, and the Indian Rational Tradition;

Topic: Defining Science, Relation between Science and Language, and the Indian Rational Tradition;
Starts on 21 October 2009 Topic: Defining Science, Relation between Science and Language, and the Indian Rational Tradition;

Topic: Defining Science, Relation between Science and Language, and the Indian Rational Tradition


1. Translation and Science by S. Sarukkai, META, available online and in the NIAS website.

2. Applying Mathematics: the paradoxical relation between mathematics, language and reality by S. Sarukkai, EPW, available online and in the NIAS website

3. Introduction to Indian philosophy and Philosophy of Science by S. Sarukkai 

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