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Talk by Neela Bhattacharya Saxena

Neither Theos Nor Logos: Indic Mother God Beyond Ontology

Neither Theos Nor Logos: Indic Mother God Beyond Ontology
Starts on 21 August 2009 Neither Theos Nor Logos: Indic Mother God Beyond Ontology

'Neither Theos nor Logos' is a continuation of another essay called 'Gynocentric Theology of Tantric Hinduism: A Meditation Upon the Devi' shortly to appear in the Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theology.


Dr. Neela Bhattacharya Saxena is an Associate Professor of English at Nassau Community College, NY. She teaches English, American, and South Asian Literature as well as Women’s Studies and multidisciplinary history of ideas courses. Her book In the BeginningIS Desire: Tracing Kali's Footprints in Indian Literature was published in 2004 by Indialog, New Delhi. Her recent publications include, "Gaia Mandala: An Eco-Thealogical Vision of the Indic Shakti Tradition" in InterCulture, "The Fun House Mirror of Tantric Studies: A Rejoinder to David White's Kiss of the Yogini in Evam, and "Color of God: Resplendent Clay of Hinduism as the Glow of the Ineffable" in Living Our Religions.  Her forthcoming essays include "Gynocentric Thealogy of Tantric Hinduism: A Meditation upon the Devi" scheduled to appear in Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theology and "Woman Prodigy, Poet and Freedom Fighter: Sarojini Naidu, the Nightingale of India" to appear in Critical Essays on Indian Poetry in English by Rodopi and “Neither Theos nor Logos: Indic Mother God Beyond Ontology” in Pathways of Creative Research: Towards a Festival of Dialogues. On professional leave from her job she is currently based in Bangalore, India working on her next book tentatively titled, Absent Mother God of the West.

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