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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society

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Course 904: Culture and Democracy

The CSCS ‘Culture & Democracy’ course is organizing a one-day workshop on Development Theory

The CSCS ‘Culture & Democracy’ course is organizing a one-day workshop on Development Theory
Starts on 01 March 2010 The CSCS ‘Culture & Democracy’ course is organizing a one-day workshop on Development Theory

The CSCS ‘Culture & Democracy’ course is organizing a one-day workshop on Development Theory


March 1, 2010 – 10-30 AM onwards


The workshop is structured around R. Srivathsan’s anthology A HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT THOUGHT A CRITICAL ANTHOLOGY OF THEORETICAL WRITINGS 1954-2004



Introduction: R. Srivathsan


Zubin Pastakia – Mahalanobis and Indian Panning -

Nalini Pai - Andre Gunder-Frank and the concept of underdevelopment -

Wing-Kwong Wong - Ernesto Laclau and the critique of underdevelopment

Pooja Sagar - Hamza Alavi and the colonial mode of production

Avishek Ray - Ashok Rudra and the excluded middle peasant

Pinak Sarkar – Class Relations in Indian Agriculture ??

Judith Nazareth Garg - Mary John and the changing constitutive contexts of development

Sambit Bose - Amartya Sen and the Concept of Capability

Ary Budhiyanto- Wallerstein’s World System Perspective

Kanthi Krishnamurthy - Ashis Nandy and the Violence of Development

Anu Vargheese-Pranab Bardhan essay on 'The State as an Autonomous Actor'.

Sabah  -Feminist perspectives on development.

Udaya Kumar-'Paul Baran and the Concept of Backwardness'.

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