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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society

You are here: Home / Events at CSCS / 2011-12 Open-mural post-graduate level courses / Course1104: Culture-Gender in InterAsia: Work, Sexuality, Religion

Course1104: Culture-Gender in InterAsia: Work, Sexuality, Religion

Instructors: Tejaswini Niranjana, CSCS; Naifei Ding, National Central University, Taiwan

Instructors: Tejaswini Niranjana, CSCS; Naifei Ding, National Central University, Taiwan
Starts on 28 March 2012 Instructors: Tejaswini Niranjana, CSCS; Naifei Ding, National Central University, Taiwan


Day 3 – Sexuality 


Areas of interest:

Asian perspectives on sex work

Fiction and the redemptive power of female sexuality in a socially unequal situation

Chick-lit and the modern woman: new representations of sexuality

Internet subjectivities



Nalini Jameela, The Autobiography of a Sex Worker, J. Devika (trans.), Westland Books, New Delhi, 2007

Tani Barlow, “Buying In: Advertising and the Sexy Modern Girl Icon in Shanghai in the 1920s and 1930s”, in Tani Barlow et al (eds.), The Modern Girl around the World: Consumption, Modernity, and Globalization, Duke University Press, 2008

Susanna (film)

Menon, Bindu. “Identification, Desire, Otherness: Susanna and its Public.” Deep Focus (Jan-May 2005): 61-70

Kim Soyoung, “The birth of the local feminist sphere in the global era: ‘trans-cinema' and Yosongjang”, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 4:1, 10-24

Kim Hyun Mee, “Feminization of the 2002 World Cup and women's fandom”, Hong Sung Hee (trans.), Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 5:1, 53-68

Dossier with material on chick-lit, the Pink Chaddi Campaign, Slutwalks etc from reportage

Shohini Ghosh, Tales of the Night Fairies (film)

Paromita Vohra, Unlimited Girls (film)

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