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Talk by Lisa McLaughlin

Locating Gender Politics in the Digital Age/Venue: CIS

Locating Gender Politics in the Digital Age/Venue: CIS
Starts on 23 July 2010 Locating Gender Politics in the Digital Age/Venue: CIS

Dr. McLaughlin is an associate professor in Mass Communication and Women's Studies at Miami University-Ohio, USA. She is also the Director of Graduate Studies for the mass communication area. She teaches undergraduate courses in media and society, international mass communication, and gender and media. She also teaches graduate seminars in feminist media theory and international communication. Her research has been published in scholarly journals such as Media, Culture and Society, Journal of Communication Inquiry, and Critical Studies in Mass Communication. She is the author of a forthcoming book on feminism, media, and thepublic sphere. She also has worked as an academic journal editor and is founding editor of an international journal titled Feminist Media Studies. Her research interests include feminist studies, critical theory, democratic political philosophy, and media and global governance.

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