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Talk by Sanil V.

Cinema: The Logic of the Prosthetic

Cinema: The Logic of the Prosthetic
Starts on 11 April 2008 Cinema: The Logic of the Prosthetic

Sanil V. is Associate Professor of philosophy at the Department of Humanities and social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India. He teaches courses on Art and Technology, Ethics and Engineering, Digital Aesthetics, Phenomenology- Hermeneutics-Deconstruction, and Film and Philosophy. His recent publications include: The Diagram of Vastu Purusha: From Meaning to Measurement, On Hating One’s Own Children Technology of the Real, Time Passing: Kant Goes to Movies, The Form of Truth and the Power of the False: Nietzschean Moment in Cinema, Mathematical Idea and Cinematic Image, The Mirror and the Mask: On the Technology of Philosophical Machines, Happy Positivism and Its Melancholic Critics, Recollection and Knowledge in Plato, Why Eyes are not Enough: French Thought and the Lure of the Visible.

He was a Charles Wallace Fellow at the Department of Philosophy, University of Liverpool, U.K and Directeur d'études Associés, at Maison des sciences de l'homme Paris

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