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Discussion with Pirate Cinema

Digital Archives and the Future of the Image

Digital Archives and the Future of the Image
Starts on 07 March 2008 Digital Archives and the Future of the Image

Sebastian Lutgert and Jan Greber (Pirate Cinema, Berlin) are artists, coders and film buffs who run Pirate Cinema, a film club based in Berlin. For the past two years, they have been working on a project called The Oil of the 21st Century, which amongst other things looks at the politics of copyright and the image. As a part of the project they have created an exciting online film archive ( Oxdb is an archive which allows you search the database through various modes, and also allows you to watch clips from the films.

From January 2008, Jan and Sebastian have been collaborating with Majlis, Point of View, Chitrakarkhana and Alternative Law Forum in creating an online archive of video footage from India. The beta version of the site is now up, and the archive is intended to create a library of video footage which can be viewed, downloaded and shared.

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