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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society

You are here: Home / Fellowships / The Centre for the Study of Culture and Society (CSCS) invites applications for its doctoral programme in Cultural Studies for the academic year-2009-2010

The Centre for the Study of Culture and Society (CSCS) invites applications for its doctoral programme in Cultural Studies for the academic year-2009-2010

The Centre for the Study of Culture and Society (CSCS)invites applications for its doctoral programme in Cultural Studies for the academic year beginning August 2009. The last date for receiving applications is April 30, 2009. For eligibility criteria and other details, see below

The Centre for the Study of Culture and Society (CSCS)invites applications for its doctoral programme in Cultural Studies for the academic year beginning August 2009. The last date for receiving applications is April 30, 2009. For eligibility criteria and other details, see below

The Ph.D. programme’s uniqueness lies in the following:

  • Focus on inter-disciplinarity
  • Emphasis on the formulation of research problems and teaching programmes in relation to democracy and cultural issues that draw on conventional disciplines but cut across their boundaries.

    Research areas at CSCS include: Culture and Colonial histories; Law and Society; Gender; Psychoanalysis; Culture and rights; Cultural policy; Culture industries; Film and popular culture; Political Studies; Theorising the region (focus on the Indian Ocean and Southern India). 

    The following are the ongoing research programmes at CSCS with which students may also be associated:

  • Culture: Industries and Diversity in Asia (CIDASIA)
  • Law, Society, Culture
  • Higher Education
  • Culture, Subjectivity and Psyche (CUSP)
  • Archive and Access

Current CSCS faculty are drawn from the fields of film and media studies, political theory, history, and art history, gender studies, psychoanalytic and legal theory with a strong background in at least ten years of inter-disciplinary cultural studies.

(CSCS also offers a one year (2 semester) Diploma in Cultural Studies alongside the Ph.D. programme. The Diploma is open to candidates from any discipline, preferably with a post-graduate degree.)

Eligibility: A Master’s Degree in any discipline with 55% marks or its grade equivalent with 5% relaxation for SC/ST candidates.
Registration: The CSCS Ph.D. in Cultural Studies is validated by the Manipal University and Kuvempu University. The Ph.D candidates will initially be enrolled with CSCS and subsequently registered either with Manipal University, Karnataka, or with Kuvempu University, Karnataka on completion of their coursework and the presentation of a satisfactory research proposal.

Financial Support 
Selected students will be given fellowships/financial assistance for a period of one year at the beginning of their registration, and another year towards the time of completion.

To apply: Enclose the following documents;
 Curriculum Vitae; 
 Copies of the under-graduate and post-graduate marks sheets (one set); 
 A sample of writing (no longer than 15 double-spaced pages or approx. 4000 words, e.g.  a reworked term paper); 
 A two-page research proposal. 

 Fee Structure 

First Year: 
Tuition fee: Rs. 7500 
Registration fee: Rs. 1500 (those registering with Kuvempu will pay Rs. 3500) 
Establishment charges: Rs. 3000 
Library fee: Rs. 2000 
Student welfare fee: Rs. 1000 
Total Fee: Rs. 15,000 
Annual Fee for subsequent years until submission: Rs.10,000 
One time thesis submission fee: Rs.3000 

Write to: 

Academic Administrator
Sujaya Shivakumar
Centre for The Study of Culture and Society,
No. 827, 29th Main Road, Poornaprajna HSBC Layout, 
Uttarahalli, Bangalore - 560 061

Telephone: 91-80- 2642 3266/67/68

The CSCS academic year usually begins in the last week of July or on August 1. 

Those not holding an Indian passport please note: In case of delays related to visa procedures, selected applicants may also officially begin their coursework in the following semester beginning January 2010.

Send your applications and supporting documents in an envelope marked‘Ph.D.Programme' to

The Administrative Officer, 
Centre for the Study of Culture and Society, 
No. 827, Poornaprajna HSBC Layout,
Uttarahalli, Bangalore 560 061 

Last Date for Application: April 30, 2009

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