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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society

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Networked Higher Education


This intervention sought to address the digital divide in India's higher education system by building consortial resource-sharing models. This was done in recognition of the drastic changes that are imminent in the systems of higher education, following the digitisation of both content and methods of delivery. Some of the key partnerships in this area in 2009 -11 included a collaboration with the Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET), Centre to incubate ideas for the production of courseware and digital resources. The initiative also undertook a collaborative project in 2010-11 with the British Library, London to prepare the latter’s India Strategy for digitising their immense South Asia collections and reunite them with complementary collections scattered in Indian archives and repositories. The project also explored the research opportunities that result from the resources being digitised and made accessible online.


Work in this area is being carried forward through the incubation of a digital hub for Indian language resources in collaboration with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Mumbai).



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