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Centre for the Study of Culture and Society

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Integrated Science Education


This initiative is based on the recognition that science education suffers from an inherited separation of knowledge of the natural and human worlds. The adverse effects of this knowledge divide are felt in different domains of living. The initiative argues for an integrated approach to knowledge production both in terms of objects of enquiry and methodologies. Integration of knowledge will lead to a shift from discipline-specific knowledge to problem-specific knowledge, and an increase in socially innovative solutions to complex problems.

The key strategy of this initiative has been to pilot new models for teaching science at UG and PG levels. Currently, model curricula for integrated science education are being developed in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research-Pune, and Central University of Jharkhand. The initiative has also been building a database of resources, through archiving policy documents, assembling case histories and reports, conducting interviews, and identifying and creating collectives of important resource persons in the field.

 Links to the curricula being developed at these institutions can be found here (to be hyperlinked)

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