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406: The Idea of 'Liberal Education'

Credits: 2

The course will be in the form of discussion of some texts in terms of the following two questions: 1. How to conceive the relationship between education, socialization and self-formation (or 'personality development')? 2. How should the notion of 'intellectual virtues' be conceived and how to understand its distinctiveness and relation to moral virtues?

1. Dearden R.F., Hirst P.H., Peters R.S. (Eds), 1974, Education and the development of reason, Routledge & Kengan Paul, London
2. Amy Gutman, 1987, Democratic Education, Princeton University Press.
3. Louis Menand (Ed.), 1996, The Future of Academic Freedom, The University of Chicago Press.
4. Theodore Ziolkowski, 1990, German Romanticism and its Institutions, Princeton University Press.
5. Frank M. Turner (Ed.), 1996, John Henry Newmans 'The Idea of a University', Yale University Press.
6. Richard Rorty, 1999, Philosophy and Social Hope, Penguin Books.

Block I. Brainstorming and Articulation of the Questions
1. M. Oakeshott, 'Education: The Engagement and its Frustration' in: Dearden R.F., Hirst P.H., Peters R.S. 1974, p. 19 - 49
2. Chapters 'Back to basics' (p. 3-16) 'States and Education' (p. 19-41) 'The Purposes of Primary Education' (p. 48-64) 'Dimensions of Democratic Participation' (p. 71-78) in: Amy Gutman, 1987

Block II. Historical Excursion
1. 'The University: The Model of the Mind' in: Theodore Ziolkowski, 1990, p. 218 - 286
2. J.H. Newman's theory of University: Discourses v, vi and vii in: Frank M. Turner (Ed.), 1996, p.76-125

Block III. On the notion of Academic Freedom
1. 'Education as Socialization and as Individualization' and 'The Humanistic Intellectual: Eleven Theses' in: Richard Rorty, 1999
2. Richard Rorty, 'Does Academic Freedom have Philosophical Presuppositions?' in: Louis Menand (Ed.), 1996, p. 21-42
3. Thomas L. Haskell, 'Justifying the Rights of Academic Freedom in the Era of "Power / Knowledge', Louis Menand (Ed.), 1996, p. 43 - 90

Block IV. Ethics of Enquiry
1. Joan W. Scott, 'Academic Freedom as an Ethical Practice' in: Louis Menand (Ed.), 1996, p. 163-186
2. Evelyn Fox Keller, Science and Its Critics, in: Louis Menand (Ed.), 1996, p. 199-213

Block V. Education and Self-Formation
1. R. S. Peters, 'Education and the Educated man', in: Dearden R.F., Hirst P.H., Peters R.S. (Eds) 1974, p. 3-18
2. P.H.Hirst, 'Liberal Education and the Nature of Knowledge' in: Dearden R.F., Hirst P.H., Peters R.S. (Eds), p. 391 - 414
3. J. Passmore, 'On teaching to be critical', in: Dearden R.F., Hirst P.H., Peters R.S. (Eds), 1974, p. 415 - 433 4. Gilbert Ryle, 'Can virtue be taught?' in: Dearden R.F., Hirst P.H., Peters R.S. (Eds), 1974, p. 434 - 447

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